Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A State-wide effort to Restore Michigan’s Citizen-driven, Part-time Legislature.

A Committee has been formed with it's sole purpose being the adoption of an amendment to Michigan’s constitution to restore the citizen-driven, part-time legislature that Michigan once enjoyed.

The Committee to Restore Michigan’s Part-time Legislature has language approved, petitions printed, and the distribution is underway! 

This is not a Partisan issue! This is a Regulatory Freedom Issue! 

The barrage of new legislation every session is creating layers of bureaucracy and intrusive regulations that stifles job growth, and outside investment in our State. 

Consider that when we send a new representative to Lansing, they are allowed to present (10) new bills from their district the first month, with 5 per month every month after.  Now multiply that by 110 house members and 38 senators! That's alot of law making ideas, and alot of time that could be better spent concentrating on a balanced State budget. 

A house member recieves over 80K in compensation and the typical work week is Tues, Wed, Thursday, and back in district for the rest. 
They serve only 120 days. 
The amendment will limit the session to 60 consecutive days with a compensation of 35K.  If this schedule were in place today, our legislature would have convened January 15, 2014, and would be wrapping up with a budget agreement next Friday March 14th. 

Our Legislature cannot solve our economic problems through increasing rules and regulations. 

An interesting study was performed back in the 1993 on what the actual cost of just one bill is to get it to the floor. 

A Legislative Analyst report on the “Average Cost of a Bill” reveals when you add bill printing, associated publications histories, files, indexes, journals, chapters and reprints, bill room operation, Legislative Counsel services, Legislative committee staff, Department of Finance services, and Agency legislative liaison costs, the total 1991-1992 session cost was $13,733 PER BILL. And that was from the 90's! Just imagine what the cost of a bill is now. Wow what a HUGE savings for the taxpayers of Michigan!

So while cost savings on salaries and less bills to process will be considerable, they pale to the amount it will save Michigan tax payers in the long run when business in Michigan returns to a greater degree of regulatory freedom from future onerous laws that hinder job creation and investment. The reward will be more jobs created by a more stable regulatory environment. 

Special interest lobbyists have set up shop surrounding our capital. They literally only have to walk across the street to access our representatives to garner support on issues that may, or may not benefit our districts directly. By limiting the time in Lansing, the lobbyists will have less time to influence, and there will be less time to draft the new legislation that the lobbyists are asking for.  When our reps come home from their 60 days session, it would be best that the lobbyists come to us, and lobby us the citizens through town halls so we know what we're being asked to fund as a district. 

This is will truly be a citizen driven effort. There will be very little support from representatives. Townships, Cities, and Counties operate with part time public servants, not full time career politicians. We can put "public service" back in Lansing. 

Visit to learn about the inititative, read the FAQ. And watch the videos. Share with your family, friends, and co-workers. This will not be on our ballot without citizen sharing of the information.  

The petitions are available in Gladwin County
Call 989-435-8851 
or email for information

The petitions are available to sign at:
Kocur Krew Automotive
1694 M-61
Gladwin, MI

You must be a registered Michigan voter to sign the petition. Of course you can only sign once!

See if you are registered to vote 

It took a Constitutional Amendment back in 1963 to make Michigan a full time legislature.  It will take all of us working together to restore it to part time as it was originally intended.