Saturday, May 17, 2014

We the People of Gladwin County Monthly Meeting May 15th, 2014

Here is a recap of the information discussed at our meeting Thursday, May 15th in Beaverton.

Here is a short video clip non-inclusive

Keep the Peter Konetchy campaign in mind.  Share the website with friends. Stress the importance of Constitutional leadership. 

Clinton, Shiawassee and Gratiot County GOP's will be having a debate between Paul Mitchell, John Moolenaar, and Peter Konetchy in St. Johns at the Rodney B. Wilson Center Auditorium.  101 W. Cass Street, St. Johns MI  on July 8th, Tuesday at 6:30pm.  

Wes Nakagiri will be on the ballot challenging Lt. Governor Brian Calley afterall. 

Tea Party Challenger Wes Nakagiri

Sitting Lt. Governor Brian Calley

Mirandy Reported on the Campaign for Liberty ( C4L) leadership training she attended last Saturday. 


Property Rights / County Zoning updates. 
Gladwin, Midland, and Bay area property rights disputes discussed. 

Local Election Results and discussion

Upcoming filing deadlines
(precinct delegate write in deadline August 1st)

Precinct Delegates / Candidates to be on ballot

Bentley 1
Billings 1
Butman 4
Gladwin 1
Hay 1
Sage 2
Secord 1
Tobacco 2

August 14th, 2014 County Convention-7pm-Call will be sent out
August 23rd, 2014 State Convention. Livonia  MI

Preparedness 101
A short starter on personal preparedness by Mr Walters

Part Time Legislature Update. 
we need all petitions out in circulation.  There has been bi-partisan support on this effort.  

MI-CPAC Freedom Summit in Lansing
Michigan Conservative Political Action Conference this weekend. 

Senate Bill 910, banning wood stove emissions regulations
The EPA's wood burning stove ban will be an unnecessary burden on citizens and manufacturers trying to meet emissions mandates.  A Bill submitted by Senator Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, would prohibit the MDEQ from imposing state regulations limiting emissions from woodstoves and heaters. 

Sen. Casperson / Escanaba

Operation American Spring
Pray for all who participate in the protest in DC

Michigan State Tax Payer Bail Out of DETROIT
House representative Joel Johnson attended our meeting to give an update on the discussions taking place in Lansing on our options and obligations as a State to the Detroit municipal Pensioners. 

Rep. Joel Johnson  97th House

The options aren't good in any case, and the consensus from the room was NO to the bailout.
The concern is that the bail out sets a precedence for other municipalities in line to fail.

 Here are some of the issues to consider:

Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr

There is a Constitutional question as to whether this State is obligated to protect the pensions of all political subdivisions.  (all sub governments, townships, Cities, Counties)

We certainly insist the legislative intent of this section of our Constitution be requested for review. 

The deliberate and belligerent mismanagement of Detroit's finances should not fall on the entire tax paying body of Michigan.

Greg McMaster R-Kewadin

Greg McMaster shares the views of most who attended our Thursday night meeting.

Next Meeting:
Thursday June 19th, 6:30pm

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pray for Pastoral Awakening

Our culture is in constant bombardment with messaging intended to shift culture to toward a conclusion that either men can rule themselves, or they cannot.  It seems the latter has been winning.

Many in the Liberty movement do their best to be citizen lobbyists for Liberty in their circles. These folks feel the loss of Liberty. They know what they believe, They see the chains being forged, and they do their best to lobby those who will hear that there is danger in every level of government today from blatant violations of our Constitution with indefinite detention of American citizens, blanket citizen surveillance, an imbalance of federal power, unfunded obligations by our states, expanding appointed bureaucracies with police powers over private property and activity,  States becoming enslaved to the very entity they created. Local governments helpless to State demands,  and NGOs bringing gas to the bonfire of local government budgets.

   With all the noise, our citizens have detached, those that still have jobs work feverishly to make the ends meet. Those that have fallen into the trap of government compassion find it hard to rationalize a lateral financial move, Neither camp with any hope of petitioning their government with a redress of grievances and logically expecting any satisfaction whatsoever. Only the persistent burden of increased taxation, inflationary costs of goods and services, along with requests for millage funding that can be counted on as consistent from our local governments,  and they say call your legislator if you want things to change.......We believe that government tries to do "to much"  the resulting dependence hampers ambition. The cronyism unfairly stifles competition. We believe in a more free market system with a very limited government with few and defined duties at all levels.  we believe welfare fraud is rampant by the wealthy, not just the poor, and government "help" rarely ends in any sustainable improvement.

We have largely lost our way as a people, from those who are lost at the bottom, to those who are lost at the top, both despising the other, and both taking from the system paid for by the shrinking worker base that actually pay a tax. There is an unfilled hole in America's soul today. At one time it was filled with the comfort of our creator spawning rugged individualism like the world has never seen,  and then it became filled with money and that led to the national apathy that allowed a government of delegated power to abuse the people since nobody bothered to check up on them.

I came across this chapter in a book I recently bought.  It's chapter 8 in KrisAnne Hall's "The Path To Restoring America"

The message is strong that we need pastoral leaders to awaken the masses to the blessings of Liberty.  That dependence is not Liberty. That politics is local and extremely important. That God does not recognize the "no trespassing" sign that our legislators, courts, and even pastors like to impose on him.  That Christians are duty bound to stand against unrighteousness especially in our governments.

Enjoy this excerpt of the book "Liberty First"  and visit to get educated and decide where you might be able to inject yourself in the struggle for Liberty.

And please forward this blog post to your pastor regardless of denomination.


Our founders gave us a nation built on the principles of religious liberty, a nation in which the government may not coerce the citizen to believe or not believe. They envisioned a nation where the atheist and the believer alike could be free to follow the dictates of his own conscience.  The founders established a nation where no man would be forced to worship and no man would be forced to be silent in his expression of faith.  One of the things that has made America exceptional in the history of nations is the respect for man’s religious freedom as part of the national compact.  That framework was fought for primarily by those with a firm belief in God.

Our founders believed that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.  Our founders expressed boldly and clearly that God was the source of Liberty.  They believed with unwavering certainty that the Sovereign God of Devine Providence must not be abandoned nor forgotten.  They declared boldly that faithful adherence to the religious principles of virtue and morality were the only sure source of securing the prosperity and continuance of this great nation.

I believe, as Benjamin Franklin did, that the hand of God was evident in the establishment of America, and our founders sought Divine guidance as they laid the foundations for America’s government.  In the transcript of the Constitutional Convention June 28, 1787 we find these statements from Mr. Franklin:

“In this situation of this Assembly, groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection. – Our prayers, Sir, were heard, & they were graciously answered.  All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor.  To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need his assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth-that God Governs in the affairs of men.  And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that “except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it. “ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without this concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building not better, than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest.”

“I therefore beg leave to move-that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that Service.”

I agree with John Adams, who stated in an address to Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts in 1798:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I believe, as Adams did, that America’s unique moral character is what would provide security for the future of the nation that the Hand of God had established:

“While our country remains untainted with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world; while she continues sincere, and incapable of insidious and impious policy, we shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence”

I believe as Thomas Jefferson did that removing God from the marketplace of government and from the minds of the people would lead directly to the loss of Liberty:

“Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?  That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?”

The beliefs of our founders are made clear in nearly every original State Constitution and Charter where we find the settlers declaring that the state was being settled for the glory of God.  This is plainly declared for all to see.

I agree with our first President when he declared in his Farewell address that “religious principle” is the very basis of our government and the only true source of its continued prosperity.

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens, The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them…And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.  Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

“It is substantially true that virtue of morality is a necessary spring of popular government…Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundations of the fabric?”

It is interesting to note here that Washington suggests that those who “subvert” the duties of religion could not be called patriots-that is, that such action would be “un-American.”

I could go on to quote the likes of Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, John Jay and others.  All of whom believed in Divine protection, provision, and providence from the Father of Liberty-the God of Heaven and Earth.  They did not shy at any level of government from boldly declaring their beliefs.

It is abundantly clear that our founders believed that America is a gift from God, Liberty is a gift from God- and  “to whom much is given, much is required.”  We are to be faithful stewards of the gifts God hs given us.  In Mathew 25 Jesus teaches the parable of the talents.  The immediate context seems to teach a direct application to those that were given the Word of God and were not faithful to it; but, the principle highlighted applies to ANY gift that God has entrusted to man.  Two immutable truths are evident in this parable. First, that we are to prosper God’s gift and second, we will be held accountable for what we do (or don’t do) with what God has given us. The unfaithful servant was punished not so much for the loss of God’s gift, but specifically because of inaction.  The loss of the gift was the result of his inaction.  It is not enough to expect someone else to do your duty.  The people of God must be active in prospering, as well as protecting God’s gifts-in America’s case, the gift of Liberty.

So if this is what our founders believed, and this is what God expects of His people, why is it that our pulpits are so quiet when it comes to the issue of Liberty? Why are our pulpits happy to decry the devastating effects of unrighteousness in every crack and crevice of society EXCEPT the “halls of power”

Many pastors firmly assert that Christians, much less preachers, should note speak on matters of politics.  Did you hear that God?
You better stay out of politics; You’re not allowed to go there. Of course not all pastors are silent.  My husband certainly is not, neither is C.L. Bryant or Dr. Gene Youngblood and others.  I thank God for those men of God who take their duty before God seriously, as did the pastors who gave us this nation.

Some of the pastors of our day do not resemble in any way the pastors alive at our founding?  What would today’s preachers say if they were to discover that it was a Baptist Pastor who gave us our First Amendment protections of religious Liberty?

When the first settlers came to the continent in the name of religious liberty, they established charter governments (colonies) and state religions for each charter.  If you did not belong to that religion you could not legally preach or worship in that state.  Since there was no Baptist charter, men like Obadiah Holmes were arrested, fined, imprisoned, and tortured for refusing to take a license to preach.

Several states, most prominently in Virginia, refused to ratify the proposed Constitution, which had now lately made its appearance in public, made sufficient provision for the secure enjoyment of religious liberty; on which it was agreed unanimously that, in the opinion of the General Committee, It did not. “ ~Virginia Baptist General Convention March 7, 1788

Virginia was led in this stand by the Virginia Baptist General Convention.  A Baptist Pastor, by the name of John Leland was the head of this group. Virginia wanted Pastor Leland to be the delegate for Virginia in the Constitutional Convention.  Pastor Leland did not trust his own ability to be an affective delegate. However, John Leland was a strong advocate for religious liberty.  He said,
“Every man must give account of himself to God, and therefore every man ought to be at liberty to serve God in that way that he can best reconcile it to his conscience.  If government can answer for individuals at the day of judgment, let men be controlled by it in religious matters; otherwise let them be free.”

John Leland met with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and struck a deal. He offered James Madison his position as delegate for the state of Virginia as long as Madison promised that he would make sure there were sufficient protections for religious liberty; namely a Bill of Rights.  Madison made his promise and held to it, being not only and ardent proponent for religious liberty, but for the entire Bill of Rights.  If you are interested in a fairly good account of this agreement, you can find this story in a movie titled, Magnificent Heritage.  I also recommend America in Crimson Red by James Beller, if you want to learn about the persecution that gave us our religious Liberty in America.

If these Christians followed the teaching of most of our modern-day pastors, America would look vastly different.  We would have no First Amendment, no Bill of rights – in fact we would have no Constitution and therefore no America.  I am afraid if our pastors do not reengage in their duty to stand for the gifts of God, we will achieve that very result-there will be no America.

Many pastors believe that the Bible teaches America’s demise and therefore there is nothing they can or should do.  My pastor/husband disagrees.  Here is an excerpt from his sermon on the topic:

“It is not our place to postulate when or if America will fade from the world scene.  It is simply our obligation to be faithful.  God has commanded us to stand against unrighteousness and we can’t say that the unrighteousness is the government and is therefore exempt.”

“God is sovereign and He does not acknowledge ‘no trespassing’ signs erected by man.  The God of the pew is the God of politics.  He expects His people to be the salt of the earth and does not accept man’s restrictions on where that salt is to be distributed. He says go into ALL the world.  He declares let your light shine before men.  We are to resist the Devil wherever he may be found.”
“The fact is – the fascist system being foisted upon America and the world is the system of Antichrist.  To submit, to not resist, is to give allegiance to that system.  This battle that we are in is not a battle for America – it is a Kingdom battle.  We are on a steady march toward a day when God will present mankind with one final opportunity to choose whom man will serve.  It is a choice between two Kingdoms, the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Antichrist.
Only one king will be victorious and we know Who that is.  As Joshua said, ‘Choose ye this day whom you will serve.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord’.”
The Bible is replete with histories of the prophets challenging leaders about unrighteousness in government. If we listen to some preachers, we should conclude that the prophets were outside of the will of God because they trespassed into an area where God is not permitted.  On the contrary, it was God that gave them the message in the fist place!  These histories are part of the counsel of God.  To ignore that and to put false boundaries around areas where truth needs to be spoken is to contradict the full counsel of God, and the consequences that affect God’s people are on the hands of the spiritual leaders.  (Acts 20:20-27) We must pray for a further awakening among our pastors.

My husband suggests that if you find that your church is too “cowardly to stand for Liberty and teaches the false doctrine of isolationism in the name of Biblical separation, then you should challenge your pastor to man up or find a new church!

Pray that our pastors are not constrained by fears of offending parishioners or diminishing offerings, but would strive for eternal rewards.  Pray that our churches will take up the historic role they have played in the struggle for Liberty for thousands of years.  Pray that our pastors and churches will realize that because God gave us Liberty, we must put LIBERTY FIRST!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Issue Updates 5-5-14



The deadline to file for precinct delegate is May 6th, 4pm. This is a very important and non labor intensive way for liberty loving citizens to inject themselves into the political policy system. We encourage all to file.  The minimum requirement of time is showing to a couple County convention meetings a year and voting.  Not unlike, but as important as showing up at your local polling place on election day

Please consider filling out your affidavit.  Your county clerk has the form and can notarize onsite for you. 
If you have any questions, please reply to this email. 


All 83 Counties have now have county coordinators in place. There are weekly conference calls taking place to guage the strengths and weaknesses of geographical efforts. The most important part of the effort is to get the petitions out and circulating. Creating circulators vs garnering signatures is the key to getting the necessary 400K state wide signatures to put this initiative on the ballot. This will be truly a citizen grass roots effort. There is very little support coming from Lansing. 

Please reach out to your friends and family with the idea of a part time legislature in Michigan. direct them to the website . Get petitions for circulation from Kocur Krew Automotive, East of Gladwin on M61. or contact county co-ordinator Tab Faber  989-435-8851.


There are two school millages and a County Headlee Override Rollback on the ballot Tuesday May 6th.  

Gladwin Schools will be asking for .55 mills to buy 24 buses over 6 years.

Beaverton Schools will be asking to extend a bond millage, that originated in 1985 to build the current High School of which is set to expire,  by 16 years at a rate of 1.49 mills. Generating 5.7 million dollars in infrastructure and technology upgrades. The school is projected to become a deficit district reportedly if the bond fails.  read more........

The County of Gladwin Continues it's efforts to increase revenue to provide essential County services. On the cusp of a recent public safety millage voter denial of 1 mill over 5 years just last November, Gladwin County is returning with renewed optimism that a Headlee Override Restoration to return the millage to the originally approved 5.75 mills for the year 2014 in order to raise $1.25 million for operational expenses will be the silver bullet to right the county ship into the more.....

Candidate Announcements

Gladwin County Commission

Kelly Miller. District 1
Tom Dunn. District 5

Tab Faber. District 4 

Remember We the People of Gladwin County Meetings are every third Thursday, 6:30pm at the:

Cedar River Chapel
2766 S River Rd, Beaverton, MI 48612

If you could not attend last months meeting,  please see the link below:


In Liberty,

WTP Steering committee

If you believe that WE THE PEOPLE are the CLEARLY DESIGNATED BENEFICIARIES of a CONTRACT that our government is to rule under CONSTITUTION, We must seek and promote Moral, Fiscal, Constitutional Representatives.

Peter Konetchy for 4th district house of representatives

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Please Don't Feed The Government

Just in time for the May 6 election, the Gladwin County Board of Commissioners met to discuss The Litigation. There is only one litigation that the county is currently involved in - that's the Mud Bog case against Denise Miller.

But was it all for show? An attempt at showing the public that not only do they now know about the suit, they plan to take an active role in its resolution? 

In this case, the County of Gladwin, through its Zoning Department, initiated a lawsuit against Denise Miller for a "zoning ordinance violation," claiming that mud bogging is a violation against the Gladwin County Zoning Ordinance, which has been in place since 2007. The mud bog activity has been taking place since the late 1990's.

One look at the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act should have been enough to see that any activity that has taken place longer than Zoning has been in place in a county, and was not illegal prior to the implementation of Zoning, should be enough to throw this lawsuit out. (Michigan Zoning Enabling Act PA 110, 2006 - According to the definition in the Zoning Enabling Act, this Activity should be legal nonconforming use...)

But don't expect that from this county. They won't even support a resolution to assure property owners that every decision made in the course of their duties will be done with the highest priority being the right of the citizens to enjoy their property without interference from local government.

Why, then, should we support them?

And to be a bit more direct, and perhaps a little harsh, we don't think that the commissioners had any intent on resolving the Miller lawsuit at their last meeting, although they likely had a nice discussion while in executive session.

Sadly, however, that meeting was all for show. It was all to give the perception to the people that they are addressing the issue. Why now? Because the people head to the polls in just a few short days to decide the county's Headlee Override proposal, and we're willing to bet that simply pretending to care about the Miller Mud Bog issue was nothing more than strategy to garner votes, whichever way you swing.

Don't fall for it. If this board of commissioners REALLY cared about property rights, this suit would be a non-issue. In fact, the complaints that were made by individuals against other individuals in relation to this case woult have been handled as individual criminal incidents, not dropped into the lap of the Zoning Administrator, or as we like to refer to him: The Property Sheriff.

And that's nothing against Justin Schneider - he's a good enough guy. It's against the idea of a Board of elected representatives handing over jurisdiction over private property, and activities and incidents that might occur there, to a sole individual who heads a department which tells you what you can and cannot do on your private property, based on recommendation of a shadowy, unelected planning board - one which our commissioners defer to, as if that planning commission holds more authority than our elected representatives....

In fact, we predict that the Board of Commissioners fully intends to designate more activities as nuisances, forcing compliance from property owners; forcing them to ask permission to do a whole host of things - drive Go-Karts, dirt bikes, have large family gatherings, make a dune buggy or 4-Wheeler track.... 

Do you want to have to ask permission to do these things on your own property? 

If your answer is no, then Please Don't Feed The Government!

By voting no on this Headlee Override, you can take a stand not just for over-taxation, poor use of public funds, and the propensity for your "leaders" to defer to unelected boards. Your no vote can signify that the people of Gladwin County are offended by the idea that the local government should have any jurisdiction over our private property whatsoever.

In the Miller case file, the Zoning Department argues that the activity has outgrown itself, and most of the complaints have been admittedly criminal in nature involving the actions of humans, not the activity of mud bogging. But yet, they lawsuit focuses on the activity of mud bogging as a nuisance per se. Why?

Unfortunately, that answer is all too transparent: If the Gladwin County courts make mud bogging a "nuisance per se," they will likely be able to force EVERY entity that seeks to participate in such activity to ask them for permission before doing so.

And that, in itself, is fairly repugnant. Think about it: The activity will be ruled a nuisance, however if you pay enough money, you can go ahead and be a nuisance all you want.....

Make sense? Only if you realize that the county, broke as a joke, has to monetize every little thing it can in order to create "revenue". Unfortunately, even creating this "revenue" doesn't eliminate the need to cut jobs. This is NOT a cash flow issue, as they keep saying; this is a spending issue. The expenditures of our county are higher than its revenue. But instead of cutting expenditures, they have apparently decided to monetize as much as they can to create "revenue."

Don't believe us? Shoot, the Chief Judge of the Courts came right out and said it at a Commissioners meeting. He promised the Board of Commissioners more revenue if they just reinstated his staffing to the level the courts felt they should have.

The answer to that question is both simple and unfortunate. They make revenue by making criminals.

Watch the video, and hear as the judge explains how they can enhance revenue with things like "oversight fees". That takes - most often - the poorest among us, and subjects them to a continued taxation by being bound to their "fees and costs" through probation.

In the New Testament, Matthew 25:40, it reads, "Verily, I say to you, Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it to me."

To us that means that we should have mercy and compassion to those among us who have the least or need the most. That is surely not what we see with some of the least among us in Gladwin County.

In fact, they have taken some of the least among us - those that are involved in the court system or are in jail for whatever reason, and subjected them to various forms of usury in the name of "revenue."

Are you aware that if you are a resident of the Gladwin County Jail, you can purchase an electronic cigarette for $20? OK, we get it - some people would love to have these. However, the jail purchases them for $8 and sells them for $20. Can you say usury?

Additionally, if you would like to have an extra visit that week, you can just shell out $20 more and have another chat with your loved one.

All this and the judge carefully explains that the Magistrate of the District Court has the right to raise oversight fees to gain more "revenue" for the county. All in exchange for keeping some clerks? And your commissioners don't even try to call his bluff. They voted unanimously just to give the courts what they want.

Does that now mean that the courts will now have the incentive to sentence someone to longer terms of probation, or impose higher fees and costs in the name of keeping their own jobs?

But make no mistakes, it's not just the courts. Do you think the Millers are the only ones who will be singled out for zoning ordinance violations? Not if your county has anything to do with it:

Check out these meeting minutes where a member of the planning board advocates for more hours for their people in exchange for more zoning "revenue".

You see, rather than risk cut jobs - which are the most expensive line item on any budget - your county offices would rather promise the commissioners revenue. Unfortunately, that revenue is me. It's you. It's your parents, who are on a fixed income. It's your kids, just starting out in life.

Fair?  NO WAY.

My friends, we are NOT revenue.  And frankly, we should be offended that the county is counting our heads and monetizing us this way.

We want them to cut their own jobs. Stop preying on us and right-size your budget!

In order to force their hand, we need to show up for the May 6 vote, and tell them NO! No Headlee Override. We do NOT believe in nickel and diming the people of this county. Make your cuts. Take your licks like the rest of us.

And from here on out, we need to put people in those commissioners' seats that also feel this way, and won't be afraid to tell anyone no. 

To that end we say: Kelly Miller for District #1 Commissioner; Tab Faber for District #4 Commissioner; and Tom Dunn for District #5 Commissioner. All three of them will be on the August Primary ballot.

Any of these men will do a fine job on their own, but together - together they have a majority vote, and they can make sure that the people are heard, and the decisions made don't stack the deck for the county employees and prey on the rest of us.