Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Millage / Candidates Discussion 10-22-13

Peter Konetchy Introduced himself to local residents and spoke on the importance of the tenth amendment and a return to constitutionally limited government. If We the People in the 4th district share Peter's website and videos through social media, email, and spread the word of Peter's firm constitutional stance, ENCOURAGE voter registration and get out the vote in the primary election,  We can get Pete on the ballot for united states house distirct 4 !

 Josh Reid spoke to us on the declining revenue sharing, declining property values, and the budget streamlining / cuts made to date.  Josh assures us "if we were not broke as a county, We wouldn't be asking for more money".  The public safety millage would insure sheriff dept. and local police funding for 5 years. This does not increase the sheriff's dept budget, but it does free up the general fund money that is earmarked for the department to be utilized for other aspects of county operation.  What the county would look like if the millage fails is not being offered. Reid has also been explaining that health care rates are going up. The rates / cost increases are not yet identifiable and this makes upcoming union negotiations with county departments very difficult.  Some residents believe there are more cuts that could be made, some are focusing on public safety.  The voters will decide Nov 5th.

Cari Jefferson introduced herself as a candidate for Beaverton City Council.
City Council needs some independent / strong / common sense representatives.
I encourage you to consider Cari on Nov. 5th and if you are not a Beaverton City resident, please share her information with any city friends or relatives you may have. Get them registered and get them to city hall Nov. 5th.

Ray Nau introduced himself as one of two Mayor candidates for the City of Beaverton
Ray has some great ideas he'd like to bring to city government. His motivation is to bring the culture of city government back into a serving attitude and tighten up some city department policies.  Ray has the desire and the time to do his best for the City of
Beaverton. Ray promises to be available to the people and encourages anyone to contact him with questions or concerns. "I'm the only Ray Nau in the phone book, call me"  Also keep a look out for the yellow cub cadet ATV running around town. Stop and say Hi. 
 Please consider Ray Nau, and surely tell your family and friends who are Beaverton City residents to vote Nov. 5th!

 Beaverton City Police Sargent Jason Campbell invited everyone to
 attend the Gladwin County Meet and Greet / Open House  event and ask questions about the upcoming Public Safety Millage and learn more about our local City Council and Mayoral races. Throughout the day there will be door prize drawings. Food and beverages will be free and provided throughout the day.
Scheduled times for the event:

8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Beaverton City Police Sgt. Jason Campbell
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Beaverton City Hall
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Beaverton Mayor Candidate Ray Nau
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Gladwin City Council, Gladwin City Manager Bob Moffit, Gladwin Chief of Police Duane Bean
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Beaverton City Manager Kerry Posey
2:00 p.m. - 6 p.m. Gladwin County Det. Sgt. Jim Cuddie
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gladwin County Prosecutor Aaron Miller
4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Gladwin County Commissioners
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Beaverton City Council
5:00 p.m. - 8 p.m. Beaverton Mayor Candidate Matt Lang, Gladwin County Sheriff Mike Shea, Animal Control Officer Jim Maveal, Judge Josh Farrell, Emergency Manager Leo Gary, Beaverton Fire Department, Gladwin Co. Clerk Laura Brandon-Maveal, Gladwin Co. Treasurer Christy Van Tiem, and 911 Director Mike Brubaker.

 Sharon Smith encourages community involvement with the Tobacco River Muzzle Loaders "SIGHT IN DAYS"  November 9th thru 14th 9am to 5pm.

 Thank you to all who attended and those of you who could not attend, we appreciate your support in Liberty!

In Liberty,

WTP Steering committee
Something to Consider........
From George Washington in 1789 through George W. Bush in 2009, our National debt grew to 10 Trillion dollars.  Since 2009, congress and the current administration piled on an additional 7 TRILLION dollars.  Our nation has hit our debt ceiling for the 79th time. We did not just recently raise the debt ceiling. Our congress agreed to discuss the debt at a later date.  
Images of the ransacked Walmarts come to mind after the people realized there was a temporary limit removal from their EBT cards.............................
Consider the terms "radical"  "terrorists" "anarchists" "unreasonable"  and please consider who those terms would be better fitting,  Conservative Activists? or the elected leaders enslaving our children with atronomical, unsustainable debt.........

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