Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Are The Courts Cashing In On Us?

After watching the video of the last commission meeting I was struck by two things:

1. We are going to be asked to pass a Headlee Restoration millage.

2. The courts as much as told the commissioners they would give them more revenue in exchange for some clerks.

I want you to ask yourself something: How do the courts make revenue?

We've made a clip from the video we watched so you can see what we are talking about. 

So how do they make revenue? They don't make anything. They don't sell anything.

That's right: Fines, fees, costs.... They make revenue off you and me, folks.

Not only were the courts given back full funding for their clerks in exchange for more revenue, now we're asked for more taxes too?

Insult to injury, taxpayers. Do we have your attention yet?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I will not support a judge at re-election time who traded an increase in fines, fees, and costs for a secretary.

Administration of justice? Sort of sounds like a perversion of justice.

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