No bullying. No life lessons in handling poor behavior amongst ourselves.
No fighting. The animal kingdom we belong to requires establishing hierarchy. No checks and balances allowed at the personal level.
Go to the authorities, they will deal with the injustice. We used to discourage tattling.
Guns are dangerous and there will be zero tolerance. We used to teach gun safety. We used to teach that guns level playing fields when protecting property and life.
We used to go to church and plant seeds of morality. Now the worst examples of hypocrisy are used justify subjective morality.
We used to teach that marriage is a holy vow between a man and woman, and a promise to God. Now it's a convenience for tax status and survivorship benefits, with God nowhere in sight.
We used to respect the miracle of life. Now we struggle to define what that means and encourage young women to consider selfishness as an option.
We used to teach abstinence and the repercussions of having children out of wedlock. Now we witness most kids with one parent, or two duplicate sets if they're lucky.
We used to teach that hard work will bring your material desires. Now many high schoolers are handed better vehicles than families struggling to make ends meet.
We used to teach the value of mechanical aptitude. Now we teach academics can trump common sense in the work force.
We used to discourage government handouts. Now we promote it unapologetically.
We used to teach spare the rod, spoil the child. Now we employee armies of child protective service workers.
We used to teach the exceptionalism of the American experiment. Now we teach our small footprint on the globe.
We've created a society on fast forward that sees the glamorization repeatedly in our pop culture of bullying, fighting, gun violence, indifference to faith, divorce, hooking up, gay lifestyle, women's rights over the womb, non traditional family units, non contact discipline, and a mocking of the greatness that America was – and could be again.
But you won't hear that from traditional media.
How do you combat generations immersed in degradation of morality? How do you explain to the youth that all those movies and video games glorifying martial arts fighting, weapon skills, gun handling, is not tolerated even in role playing scenarios? And that any hint to it is grounds for dismissal?
How do you get through to a society that has swallowed that pill and have no idea how to handle any situation without tattling to the authorities? Will the desensitization of violence through media allow an acceptance of it through the very authorities we now depend on to prevent our petty injustices?
We now discourage holding firm positions for fear of offending an opposing view.
I'm not sorry that I refuse to get with the times.
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