Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are you watching what is unfolding in this Country?

Are you watching what is unfolding in this Country?

We have some very important rules of engagement spelled out in our founding documents the intent of which was to secure for our posterity this most free and prosperous nation man has ever seen.  The documents themselves are the firm guide posts each generation was to follow and defend, for surely the very premise of a nation built on individual responsibility and free association with limited, enumerated governmental duties would be challenged by totalitarian desires of men immediately upon conception.

Words have many meanings and context is so important.  When we hear the word “Progress” the initial interpretation is for most always a positive.  But ask yourself if we are progressing up? Or progressing down?  There is no doubt we are in motion, I question whether our progress of late is anything remotely positive.  I guess that can be left to subjective interpretation.

Some examples of misguided “Progress” away from,  and outside the firm guide posts are:

The implementation of the National Defense of America Act or NDAA that allows arrest and detention of  U.S. citizens without due process afforded in our 5th and 6th constitutional amendments. 

The implementation of the Patriot Act. The title of the act is a ten-letter acronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.
Sounds patriotic!  But it has essentially expanded to intercept and store all of our digital correspondane. In direct violation of our  4th constitutional amendment. One warrant issued to blanket our entire society.

Benjamin Franklin warned us when he said: “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”

How about the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” ?  A long time dream of positive “Progress” through the eyes of some, but for others, it’s a sharp veer left , out of the firm guideposts of the 10th amendment afforded to states and the people by others.
No where in our constitution does the Federal government have the power to implement a purchasing mandate to it’s citizens. Our president, when he was a Chicago senator,  went on record stating that “..our constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the States can’t do to you, says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government MUST do on your behalf….”

You see, the very purpose of our Constitution that was ratified by conventions in eleven States and went into effect on March 4, 1789 was to limit government. It was never to empower government to do more on our behalf. That is the key point to consider when trying to understand the progressive mindset of today.

Now yes, our supreme court narrowly ruled the act constitutional, but in the context of a TAX.  Because it would comply with section 8, article 1 of our Constitution. The whole while our president and talking heads denied the ACA was a tax. Add that to the list of “deliberate misleadings” involved with this, our commander in chief’s signature legislation.

Our leader and his administration  repeatedly assured us this was an effort of positive “progress” that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. What a shame that so many plans didn’t fall in line with the guidelines somewhere in the stack of rules and regulations that on paper stands 7 feet tall.  And at the time of this writing, estimates of 500,000 policies have been cancelled due to non compliance.  I ask you at what point a deliberate misrepresentation becomes a bald face lie?

Our president assured us:  http://youtu.be/wfl55GgHr5E

Add that to the national trend of  employers cutting part time worker hours to less than 27 per week to escape the unbudgeted, indefinable health care costs the ACA is inevitably going to hit the business community with. And it’s hitting our local strapped governments as well. Another cost we the people will somehow have to endure.  Deductables are going up, premiums are going up on the majority in an attempt to pool all people and distribute coverage. Employer mandates have the business community paralyzed, and local governments staring down a black hole that was sold as positive “progress”

The warnings against this act have waged for years. I was at our nation’s capitol with Michelle Bachman and Dave Camp waving flags and entertaining speakers who were as right then as they are now, this effort, this new law would and will disrupt and forever change in a very negative way, our relationship with our Federal government.

 The people only heard “affordable health care” that was enough to garner support and villainize any opposed. Brave house members like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz did their best to use all fingers and toes in an attempt to hold back and plug the sieve like House of  Representative power of the purse wall , but Republicans afraid of public perception, and with a false illusion they could win enough seats to take back the senate and repeal the ACA, offered the voices of rational reason no help. The dike is now effectively blown. 

Fast forward a few short weeks and those that stood with the administration and ignored the warning calls, are now retreating from our leader, and the ACA that is effectively demoralizing us nationally.

And as of today, at this writing, Our leader has called on insurance companies to reinstate the policies that our people lost for one more year.  The ramifications of that cannot be more clear!  1. The policies do not exist. They were cancelled for non compliance. They will have to be rebuilt by order of the POTUS. 2. This is another direct violation of our firm founded rules of engagement. Like this legislation or not. This LAW was signed by the house and senate and then by our leader as CEO. Done.  I ask you, How in God’s name and within every constitutional constraint that he inspired to offer us the environment of FREEDOM so that LIBERTY can exist, can this president change a law without congressional approval simply because it has become politically  adverse!

This act is nothing about health CARE, and everything about health INSURANCE. The two will grow further from each other as this cancer spreads across the land, and doctors opt out of the profession,  the care becomes rationed by regulated budget constraints, and innovation inside the industry effectively dies at the hands of an overwhelming smothering bureaucracy.

Our founding principles. Our founding rule book to good government is under direct attack and we the people are watching, and allowing the demise of the crucial checks and balances our founding fathers waged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to provide for us all.

Not very long ago, a Democratic president  by the name of John F. Kennedy stood within the firm guideposts of good government and stated “I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort”  Oh how we long for those values to shine through again.

In a free society, government does not lead, it is to follow and accommodate. The notion widely expressed that government can fix our problems and make the bad into good is a fallacy , it is a perversion to our founding when we allow public perception of a deliberate misleading to dictate policy.   John Adams said: Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.

You could argue anything 230 years of age to be “old fashioned” but in perspective, the battle for men to be free, and the battle for men to control his brothers is much, much older.  Kings, dictatorial governments, totalitarians, socialism and communism are concepts very much older than this great nation, and I would argue the ideas creeping into our society by the progressives are much more old fashioned than the newest attempt for man to declare his individual freedom declared July 4th, 1776.

We the people advocating “Progress” in a direction pointed away from our firm founding governmental guideposts will suffer as every other great society in history has. At the hands of tyranny and oppression.

The Alternative: Free Markets, Free Associations, Less Regulations, More direct care. 

1 comment:

  1. Insurance companies have little to worry about. They are set to receive 1 trillion dollars of our public wealth for bail outs when the system collapses. Crony capitalism is the bridge to nationalizing industry. http://www.caintv.com/feds-to-insurers-hey-dont-worr
