Friday, January 17, 2014

To Jump? Or Not To Jump?

"If your friend told you to jump off a bridge

Would you do it?"

Even if he had a degree in physics and a trunk full of bungee jump safety manuals? 

And your other friends were putting on jump gear with Indifferent shrugs to their future safety since your expert friend is confident and assured this is for not only your own good, but for all of your children combined? 

And if you consider not suiting up, is your position perceived radical and selfish since you're concerned about what might become of your own children, as well as your friend's children? 

And if you try to reason that you think you might have found a way to traverse the treacherously steep and rocky embankment down to the cool, clean water of sustainence that they are all craving, albeit a little more difficult, and a little slower, while preserving each other and our children in the process, would they listen? 

And if they plead there is no time and the most direct and satisfying indulgence is directly over the guard rail, then look at you and ask.....

 "Are you in or out?, we can't do this without you." 

What would you choose.......

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Insidious Invasion of Agenda 21

I will start this post with a disclaimer: We know that sometimes the amount of information that we chuck out there for consumption and digestion is way more than some people can handle in one sitting. So tonight, we promise - small doses, friends.

Instead, with a little commentary, we are going to offer you some resources to learn for yourself. Because at the end of the day, we can talk until we're blue in the face - but each one of us has learned this concept not because of the teachings of others, but because we have researched it extensively on our own, and come to the conclusions inividually.

We've talked before about U.N. Agenda 21, which is implemented by alphabet soup agencies like DNR, DEQ, planning commissions, zoning departments. Using tactics like regulations and regionalism, these agencies encroach upon your property rights, and they do it as a coalition...or "partnership" of organizations, acting in consort...often for additional points on grant applications. 

Many of them don't know exactly what they are doing as it relates to the death of your property rights; instead, they realize that they hold a position within the community where they can do good things. What doesn't sound good about some of the catchy phrases used in the sustainable "Agenda 21" lingo arsenal?!

I mean come on - sustainable, vibrant, green, smart growth....what could go wrong?

Click here for a really easy to understand and SHORT Agenda 21 primer:

Agenda 21 uses environmentalism as a way to snatch up land, holding it out of the grasp of private property. One very simple way is through land trusts or conservancies. Just today, a wonderful article was published on this very subject in Maine.

"While FSM and environmental groups claim conservation and economy building can go hand in hand, the language they use to describe directing human settlements along existing transportation corridors is the language of “Smart Growth,” “Sustainable Development” and, in turn, Agenda 21.

“As a land trust, the one that we are ready to deliver—and are good at—is conservation easements,” Hutchinson said. “When a landowner is bumping into some kind of a struggle, I think easements have proven that they can provide an incredibly valuable piece of the puzzle.”
Coffman couldn’t disagree more.
“Recent global research has clearly shown that wealth cannot be created without private property rights,” he said. “Conservation easements gut property rights, and the systematic tightening of environmental regulations may take what is left. Land withdrawal creates scarcity, which always increases cost."

Click here to read the entire article:

These conservancies and land trusts are everywhere. Some are public (DNR Trust Fund's land acquisitions) and some are private (The Nature Conservancy). It all sounds like they are interested in nothing more than to preserve the land for future generations.  But be warned - it is not.

When I was younger, I wish I had had the knowledge of Agenda 21 that I have now...but I did not. Otherwise I would have questioned why Gladwin County's Economic Development Corporation (EDC) hired a Conservationist, who worked for public land trusts, to write a comprehensive report about our fair County.

The report is called The Lackey Report, and it was done in 2006/2007 by Susan Lackey on behalf of the EDC.

Click the link to see it for yourself:

It basically lists goals for our community. There are many, read it for yourself. And pretty much every one of them helped us to implement provisions and recommendations of the UN Agenda 21. Just two short years later, with this report, and a Master Plan, in place - we qualified for federal money through the Economic Stimulus to continue implementing these policies. To be sure, everything recommended by the Lackey Report, and everything called for in our Master Plan, and nearly every stipulation of federal grant money aligns us perfectly with the principles of Agenda 21. 

It all seems good at the time, but this is how the game of Agenda 21 is played - the players' roles are scripted by larger organizations, making them seem more legitimate. And for each of their roles, they will receive a paycheck, or a per diem, or a raise, or a street sign, or a pat on the back and perhaps just the assurance they are doing to right thing. And if they continue, there will be more and more grant money given for the measures they have taken to build a sustainable community.

You see, Agenda 21 implementors - the true implementors - are insidious in their skills. They prey on the hubris of communities, and the desire to leave a positive legacy on their communities; they prey on the environmentalist and their desire to leave a legacy of land to the future; but most of all, they rely on the ignorance of people like you and me...people they want to stay asleep or tuned into the TV.

There is a blue print, folks - it's been around for a long time now...and without many among us knowing it, we are following it. All across this country, and in other countries, we are following it. We are shaping our communities to the principles that will eventually lead to the final nail in the coffin of property rights, and ultimately to global governance.

If you value life as we know it here in Gladwin County, it is imperative that we begin examining the people that our alphabet soup orgs like EDC, EMCOG, and other unelected planning boards - especially those that govern land use - start bringing into our community. 

Will they transform our way of life in a way that is not sustainable in the long term? Will they continue to hamstring us on stipulations of grants that require us to go that one step further....? Will they convince us to turn over public land or call for easements of private land to create zones, trails, or greenways?

You know, it is all right to throw them out.....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Remember a month or two ago, there was a public hearing to raise support for a Promise Zone?

" his State of the Union Address earlier this year, the President laid out an initiative to designate a number of high-poverty communities as Promise Zones, where the federal government will partner with and invest in communities to create jobs, leverage private investment, increase economic activity, expand educational opportunities, and improve public safety."

Long story short, the Region 7B Brainchild known as "A Northern Transformation" enlisted the support of 250 "community partners" and applied for a Promise Zone designation. 

We, of course, opposed.

(A sincere thank you to patriot and good friend Kurt Kocur for attending this "promise zone " public hearing on behalf of We The People of Gladwin County. Kurt was able to cut through the greedy anxiety of being near free money by taping 14, 8.5x11 pieces of paper to the wall representing the 17 trillion in debt the this country is facing. It was relayed to me that he did a great job of admonishment for those that would freely put their own grandkid's future at risk in exchange for money we don't have, for programs we don't need, we have huge character issues within our local governments and we need to start being able to identify them....)

As it turns out, A Northern Transformation was not selected to receive the Promize Zone designation, much to the chagrin of the community partners, and likely to the outright despair and anguish of the back-patting, fellow-board-sitting circle of "friends" that man the roundtables at places like Region 7B, EMCOG, and Prima Civitas.

But it seems they are not willing to go away quietly. The snippet below was emailed to the community partners:

Although we have seen the letter, we are certain no one from Northern Transformation is seeking the feedback we are offering.... But here it is anyway.

Why don't you support the Promise Zone?

We don't support the Promise Zone in this area because it is nothing more than a way for the people who sit on boards - like EMCOG, like EDC, like Prima Civitas, like Region 7B - to further capitalize on the demographics of our area to secure money in the guise of "development", while, in reality, they are only validating their own existence and their right to play SimCity with our tax dollars.

Remember FEDzilla?

This is the perfect example. This line chart is how we interpret the federal overreach, the spineless local leadership, the greedy unscrupulous NGOs. The compliant state, the disaster that is regionalism, the disaster that is Agenda 21....

You have three major entities involved the Promise Zone. The first is A Northern Transformation. From their website: "Founded in 2010, Northern Transformation is the nonprofit division of the Michigan Works! Region 7B Consortium.  Region 7B has been engaging employers and job seekers since 1978 serving the six lower counties of Northeast Michigan. Northern Transformation's reach goes beyond the 6 counties that make up Region 7B to cover all 14 counties of Northeast Michigan."

Really? Why? Why encapsulate a bigger region?  

It's to encapsulate a larger number of poor people, fewer jobs, and likely skew numbers for the Feds. The Feds, we are sure, are proud of the technique of Regionalism.

The second is Region 7B Consortium. Region 7B works at ".... increasing our competitiveness by bringing tradition and innovation together to support our clients, in the global economy."

<yawn...think Agenda 21 101>

The next is Prima Civitas. (Wow! Sounds official....who are they?)

From their website:

Hmm..... What does that mean? A disruptive catalyst?


OK.....ummmm....what does that mean....really?

OHHHHH!!!! You are a regionalist Agenda 21 agency who pats the backs of other NGO's while lining one another's pockets with tax money under the guise of caring about our economy enough to give money back to our communities....

<crickets chirp, the earth turns, no one answers....>

Well, I mean, come on.... The Region 7B guy, who created a Northern Transformation, sits on your board.

<even the crickets go still>

No, seriously.... He does. Look.

<still no comment>

And admittedly, this is a Regionalist organization.... I mean, we took this right off your web site.

OK, OK.... No more poking the Agendist Beast. We're sure you get it by now.

Our first president, George Washington, took office in 1789. No more than 220 years later, in 2009, our national debt hit $10 trillion. 

We've hit our national debt limit *79 times.* 

Since 2009, we've piled on $7 trillion additional - and it's projected the unfunded liabilities surpass $100 trillion. It is unsustainable, and these prostitute pimping NGO's like Northern Transformation don't give a damn. They will benefit in their lifetimes by selling national debt bought and owned by China to local community officials.

Those that advocate for this "free" money have no concept of the potential for losing our republican form of government. These plans and agreements hamstring local elected authority and leave us with less local control.

Regionalism is THE threat to our Constitutional Republic

Reward an overreaching, overstepping, over controlling bureaucracy by asking them into your life by contract in exchange for cash advancing your children's debt? Did ANYONE research The Pied Piper?

Doesn't work out so well for our children when we cannot pay our debts, folks.

Many of the failed governmental ideas and solutions mimic higher governmental bodies like a pyramid scheme. The smaller and more localized a body of government is, the more likely individuals can have a positive impact. It's precisely the reason we bring regionalism - grants, handouts, unelected boards, and steady and incremental requests for tax hikes - into discussion. 

You see, at its core, the relationship between our smaller local governments and our Feds, as well as those that hold Fed money, is a symbiotic one. Symbiotic in that they rely on us to offer them something (taxes, a quantifiable number of poor, our property), while giving us mere crumbs of what we've given them back -under the guise, of course, that they are really giving us something meaningful...something extra...but yet they come back for even more next that they can give us back something smaller (especially if we've regionalized; makes for fewer entities to give money to). And the whole time, they hold our way of life precariously in the balance.

So think this kind of symbiotic:

<Hint: We're not the alligator>

We have major hurdles that our governments are charging us into. While not all our representatives look across the once fruited, but now largely decimated plain, all our actions and decisions are part of a system that is interconnected and complicit with the failed direction of our nation only by free will. 

We can have a dialogue with elected representatives, and we can use the leverage that is the American spirit and sheer numbers to influence as many as possible in our governments to reach for the emergency brake. Hard times are coming. Staving off the inevitable for future generations to exponentially suffer at our own hand is immoral. 

It's kicking the can down the's selfish, and it's wrong.

Speaking of which, you can get a look at those officials, entities, organizations, and even some individuals that support the designation of a Promise Zone. Most hold a common trait - they ultimately work on your dime, and they'd love to have more of them.

See who they are. Click here:

The responsibility lies with the people to not allow local government to ride on auto pilot and accept the NGO and FED enticement of reward in exchange for stipulation (after all, who has to maintain all those nifty projects their grant monies fund for us?). 

There is an all-out assault taking place on local government, and we are not being told the truth by our elected officials. Those that recognize the threat are few, and those that do but don't give a damn are many. 

The fact is, most state and local governments are simply so desperate to keep their roads paved and lights on, that they will not look too closely at the strings attached to the offered grants. Some of them require additional spending that further compromises the fiscal health of our smaller communities.

Eventually, if we become unable to sustain these strategic investments, or gifts, we sometimes have to pay the money back - if we still have it. Or cut the valuable services that impact our communities more directly in order to have the money to pay for things like upkeep on bike trails, for instance; or upgrades to a facility we may have gotten.

I don't know about you, but cutting things we NEED, or services we rely on, to bare bones, is not something we enjoy.

But then perhaps, if we can't staff our counties or cities the way we need to, the government level above us steps in and lumps us into a region, where we have access to those services - along with another groups of counties. They will call it good. They will call it necessary. They will call it fiscally responsible.

We think fiscal health comes from making choices that don't add up to additional costs that are not sustainable in the future, and pile more money on our already in-the-trillions debt.

The result is that the Agenda 21 train - which seeks to regionalize our communities in order to divvy up a smaller amound of money than if they had to pay for each community individually - races down the track towards completion.

When it hits the station, we will no longer have a community identity, and sadly, much of what we are selling out for is a crumb of a return of our own money - the money that WE ... The PEOPLE ... paid into our government.
One final thought on grants; this lesson should make one wonder, if all the grant moneys currently being paid out were combined, and then used to reduce the federal deficit, might not the federal deficit melt away? In other words, might the massive amount of money used for grants to encourage social justice, green programs, and regionalism not be the very reason our federal deficit is so very large?

Regionalism strips individual liberty and folks need to find their heart, their guts, plant their feet and say, "We will have none of this in our community." 

Freedom is far more dear than short term pacifism. Look through the smoke and see what we are facing as a free community.

So when you read that there is another public hearing to designate "Northern Transformation" as a "Promise Zone", stand up with us. Stand up for freedom, and tell your local officials that we want the Liberty of a free and individual society, not the slavery of a collective funded by NGO's who do nothing more than redistribute our tax money....

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Politicians, bureaucrats, and especially judges would have you believe that too much freedom will result in chaos. Therefore, we should gladly give up some of our RIGHTS for the good of the community. In other words, people acting in the name of government, say we need more laws and more jurors to enforce these laws--even if we have to give up some RIGHTS in the process. They believe the more laws we have, the more control, thus a better society. This theory may sound good on paper, and apparently many of our leaders think this way, as evidenced by the thousands of new laws that are added to the books each year in this country, let alone our STATE. But no matter how cleverly the MARXIST argument is made, the hard fact is that whenever you give up a RIGHT you lose a FREE CHOICE.


Rather than give up RIGHTS, we should be giving up WRONGS.
more laws do not make less criminals. 

Start reading you Constitution and encourage others to do the same. It is a Contract with your government of which you are the beneficiary. 

If you don't know your rights, You don't have any.

The legal system is not your friend. It is made of of men who, as we know to well, are tainted with a sinful nature. If you don't believe that, sit in on your local courts and observe your legal system. It has devolved into who can manipulate the verbage, and who can dig out the proper applicable case law.  It  is not about honor, justice, conscience, or morality.  

 The Bedrock solid United States Constitution is THE supreme law of the land and all Judges are bound to it under Oath of office. 

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." 
Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

There are immense resources available on the constitution. what it means to you. and how it applies in it's entirety, or it does not apply at all.  Do not for an instant think it is being protected on your behalf by a caring and benevolent government.  Our Constitution is under deliberate, repetitive attack and God bless those few who stand to defend it for all our sakes present and into the future! 

Enjoy the video series by Carl Miller. An Expert on the Constitution and Bill of Rights

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves"
~William Pitt. British House of Commons

The strongest standing case of constitutional supremacy: Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803) 

NEVER overturned. ALL judges fall under jurisdiction of the United States constitution.

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void"

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them. "
Miranda vs Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation; as inoperative as though it had never been passed."
Norton vs Shelby County
118 US 425 p. 442

The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it.
"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. "
16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177
Late 2d, Sec 256

Article VI. Paragraph 2
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.. ... .