Politics can be confusing and down right maddening when you try to decipher what direction or position a political party is heading. The rhetoric ebbs and flows with election seasons, but the voting records rarely match the campaign promises.
You likely have heard that district 4 house United States House representative Dave Camp, chairman of the powerful tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, plans to retire after his current term, he announced this Monday.
Why would A safe moderate Republican not seek, what some would say, was an easy re-election? Dave has served in Congress since 1991 and assumed control of the committee when Republicans retook control of the House in 2011. But his six-year term as top Republican on the panel is scheduled to conclude at the end of the year. It is understood he has battled and weathered cancer, and likely just needs some time for reflection, some family time. Thank You for your Service Dave Camp.

Dave Camp, the stalwart tax reformer and job creating policy maker has slidden noticeably left over the years. We appreciate his constitutional stances when they occured, but the opportunities to improve the tax code were missed. The efforts reminiscent of pouring water from one end of the pool to the other. And don't forget TARP! Cash for Clunkers, NDAA, Patriot ACT and a consistent voting record to raise the debt ceiling. The timing for the resignation is acceptable. Washington seems to impose an insurmountable amount of pressure to meddle with markets and toil with few tangeable results.
But who will run to take that seat for Republicans? !
There is a Constitutional candidate that has been in the race and campaigning for Constitutionally limited government with bold ideas that seem foreign to Neo-Conservatives, since for all the talk of supporting and defending the Constitution, few have seen it implemented by an elected official with their votes.
His name is Peter Konetchy, He resides in Roscommon; he understands American greatness, and has a vision of how to preserve it. That vision is simply that if our elected representatives voted in accordance with the limits of our constitution, The engine that made this country great would be reborn. The solution, is the Constitution!
Traditionally, The republican party supports their incumbent, right or wrong, it's the way it is. But upon knowledge that their GOP 4th district Constitutional incumbent was closing shop, and the race wide open for them, why would they actively recruit from a pool of potential primary candidates of which would be easily considered "career politicians"?
Why do you think the traditional, Establishment GOP rarely acknowledge this candidate on their ticket? on their team? Why would the party that stands on the platform of limited government and conservative judeo-christian values rooted firmly in our founding documents.....Not cling to this candidate? Not fund this candidate?
I can't answer that but you should certainly mull that question over for yourself. If you have been a tried and true Republican and have continually accepted the top down information conduit and endorsement schedule, It's high time you start doing some research into what the party stands for in their platform, as well as in their actions.
Review a very acceptable platform. Click the Link below:
A solid conservative candidate has been attending as many GOP events as possible and meeting county republicans at their meetings, as well as conservative TEA, 9-12, and C4L group meetings to introduce himself and his campaign focus. Peter Konetchy is not obscure when it comes to the inner circle of District 4 political activism.
As of yesterday, an un-official but firm announcement came in that John Moolenar from Midland, current 36th district Senator is joining Pete in the primary. With Jim Stamas from Midland, 98th house, stepping up to run for the 36th senate seat being vacated by Moolenar.
Now, John served three terms in the house of representatives; will have served a 4 year senate term, and now is eyeing a united states seat being vacated by Dave Camp. John will have been in public service for 10 years
Jim Stamas will have served two terms as 98th house of representatives and is eyeing the 36th senate seat being vacated by John.
Preceding John Moolenaar in the 36th senate was Tony Stamas. Tony Stamas served 2 terms as 98th house rep, then held the 36th Senate for two four year terms. That's 12 years.
Few consider the term "career politician" to be favorable. although it sure does seem the 4th district republican establishment finds it a prerequisite for "electability"
I am not saying these are bad men, I just truly believe that you can't get different results by performing identical actions.
Some would argue you need the experience to enter and be effective in Michigan and National politics. To some degree they are likely correct. But if we elect representatives who's sole allegiance is to the United States Constitution, allegiance to the playbook our founders set in motion and not to the political advocacies that fund partisan politics, might this nation be in much better shape? Would the NDAA ever see the light of day? Would the patriot act ever be a threat to united states citizens and their bill of rights? Imagine the most perfect political system devised by men held to account by us, and by them to each other?
My vote will be cast for candidates experienced in our constitution over partisan gamesmanship each and every day.
Private / Public partnerships must end. Letting government choose "winners and losers" through tax incentives and funding grants at our expense must end. The tentacles of the MEDC must be dis-lodged. If we are to talk about tax incentives to stimulate economic growth? that will need to be universal. Wealth redistribution schemes are alive and well in both viable political party vehicles today.
I urge all politically active agents to reassess your priorities and allegiance.
I urge all American voters to reassess you values and weigh them against the two major political policy vehicles of today. Search and you will see, the solution IS the Constitution.
Please seek limited government, moral, fiscal, Constitutional Candidates!
Please Visit Peter konetchy's website link below:
and please consider any donation you can afford.