Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our forefathers successfully repelled "Centralized Government"

Why do so many people not recognize the danger of centralized government? Both the Republican and Democratic party members have gone "ALL IN" for top down leadership.
Article 4, section 4 of our constitution guarantees a Republican form of government for all states but even  the republican party today is far removed from a bottom up independent healthy representation of the people. They have grouped together in search of KINGS. They advocate centralized government at every level, including within their volunteer army of activists. The REPUBLIC is in very perilous times.

There is a delegate war commencing to secure and protect the GOP kingdom.
what Government will the people have?
 Republican precinct delegates will be listed as candidates on your ballot. The rule of thumb is if you don't know, VOTE NO. or don't vote. All delegates are not created equal. You have establishment voting delegates that don't even realize they are pawns of a centralized state party system. And you have Liberty leaning delegates that reject a top down centralized, controlled state party.
 Liberty delegates are those delegates that are tuned into the network intent on the perpetual refreshment of the state party leadership and the rejection of imperial rule. The system was genius in it's creation and concept. But like most efforts to secure the liberty of the people, the people tend to fail it with the apathy that comes with abundance. 
Please click the LINK below

You may receive professional post cards from the "Michigan Advocacy Trust" instructing who the local "Conservative" delegates are in your precinct.

This group is not TEA party endorsed, but they know how to make their fliers promote the message that the TEA party has been trying to bring back into the political policy vehicles.

The effort behind this mailer is plainly to support and defend the establishment leadership in the State Republican party and continue the status quo....which is to continue the centralized top down leadership, which is to promote the natural progression towards....Kingdom. 

 We the People endorsed Delegates
Dennis Bowen
Kurt Kocur
Tim Walters
Shatay Woolworth
Mirandy Richardson
Pauline Hansen
Sidney Hansen
Gary Killingsworth
Kim Hall
Joyce Dooley
Dale Holec
Ross Holec
Linda Dunn
Tom Dunn
Dana Ornelas

Joanne Coston
Steve Coston

Robert Pagel
Larry Eagleson
Tab Faber
Kim Faber

Richard Beadle
Sarah Kile

The above list may be updated before August 5th. 
Individual Liberty must come before any perceived safety or security. 
Individual Liberty must come before any political party affiliation. 
Liberty must come first.  

The bottom line is that the voters have a choice.
The voters need to know what those choices are. 
do your own research. but please, for all our sakes. REJECT CENTRALIZED Government where ever it raises it's Ugly head.  
We must elect Moral, Fiscal, Constitutional Representatives that know the implications of the OATH they swear. 
The OATH to protect the people. 


Lets start this way with the origin of the oath. In the United States Constitution under Article IV it states: “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution..." (U. S. Constitution 1787)
The Republic State of Michigan also covers language requiring an oath of office
before entering upon the duties of political office. Article XI, sec.1 in the Constitution of the State of Michigan (Appendix B), states;
"All officers, legislative, executive and judicial, before entering upon the duties of their respective officers, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ______ according to the best of my ability..." (Constitution of the State of Michigan 1835)

It is clear that both the U. S. Constitution and the republic of Michigan Constitution hold politicians (all) accountable for their actions. If the oath is such an important word and referred to in both Constitutions, it is obvious that Politicians and Elected Official must know and understand what this word means.

Throughout this great republic All Politicians in this country must take a sworn oath before they are authorized to perform their elected duties of office. Is this oath just lip sinked and superficial? Is this statement made by our Politicians without any understanding of what they are swearing to? Do the Politicians really know what the oath requires of them? It is my humble opinion that most Judges, Prosecutors, Sheriffs and Politicians are just repeating the words without any solemn or cognizable understanding. The oath of Elected Office holds curtain major responsibilities and obligations that we the people who are not elected to office do not have such a burden to carry.
Now lets look at the word itself and what Politicians should know before taking an and oath of office. The American Dictionary of the English Language, define an oath as:
"A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for truth of
what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person
imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false,
or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if
he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury." (
Webster Dictionary 1828)
It is normal and customary for officials to raise their right hand and "solemnly sware" to up hold the constitution. Now this brings up another word solemnly and we must look to corporal. Black's Law Dictionary defines solemnly as:
"Corporal oath is one taken by the form of laying the hand on or kissing a copy of the gospels. The terms corporal oath and solemn oath are synonymous, and an oath taken with the uplifted hand is properly described by either term in an indictment for perjury."
(Black's Law Dictionary 1891).
I would say most politicians trivialize the swearing-in ceremony as the start of a pay check and not as an elected servant of the people. Those who administer the oath should stress the importance of the Oath of Office and that elected official must understand when ‘swearing’ to something especially our constitution, and to defend Liberty they are offering themselves, all that they are, as collateral.
History shows that our forefathers did just that, they died to protect and serve our country and its people lets hold our elected official to the standard of history and not to public policy.

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