Friday, August 15, 2014

Congratulations Gladwin County Precinct and Convention Delegates!

Congratulations to the Elected Gladwin County precinct delegates who unanimously voted for the Slate drawn up by the nominating committee appointed by our county chair.
Congratulations as well to those going to Novi to represent our County at the upcoming State wide Convention August 23rd!
The Convention room was packed with hordes of newly recruited delegates !
We had 44 elected delegates and every AT LARGE delegate we could muster.
The Convention lasted about ten minutes.  Thank you for your campaigning and your filing of affidavits to take this step to be a part of the process for your county and state Republican party! 
We must unite to be a concerted force in order to beat any and all Democrats in November and in 2016!

Ok,  cheer leading over.
If any of you on this mailer attended the convention, I want you to ask yourself a very important question..........WHAT HAPPENED? 
Who was elected? did you even vote? were you counted? did you represent your precinct?
Here is the nominating committee and the SLATE of delegates they suggested be voted on, and who were unanimously approved with zero debate or discussion.

Nominating Committee:
Don Birgle Grout Township
Darlene Conner Grout Township
Lavelle Smith Grout Township
Barb Schafer Sherman Township
Judith Ford Gladwin City

Delegate slate:
Linda Birgle Grout Township
Don Birgle Grout Township
Sid Hansen Tobacco Township
Darlene Conner Grout Township
Barb Schafer Sherman Township

Alternate slate:
Kelly Gower Gladwin City
Kathy Barre Tobacco Township
Polly Hansen Billlings Township
Brandon Wright Hay Township
Caleb Hortop Gladwin City
Jana Foster Tobacco Township

Keep this list handy if any of those that voted for YOU, ask you who you supported to represent your precinct and county to the state party convention.  It might show a little credibility. 

Now, this is my opinion and I don't speak for everyone although I am using a communal account to reach you all.

What we just witnessed was the complicit promotion of centralized government, or centralized control.  If this is the way the party wants to run things, I am with many of you who question the point of participation.

Here is my take on the proper implementation of a County Convention.
I encourage discussion, I encourage you to respond.
The proper way to hold a County Convention.

Candidate Slates are WRONG whether ours or theirs. 

The intent of the system was to cleanse and replenish the ideals of the County Party through discussion and even arguments put forth by the individual precincts.

Multiply this effort times 83 counties and it naturally would have the same desired effect on the state party leadership. 

There should be a vote on a convention chair. (Law)

There should be a call to the floor to have those duly elected delegates that show interest in representing the county to the state convention to step forward and be counted.

There should be 2 minute speaking times for all candidates so the floor can at least form SOME sort of opinion on the positions they are about to vote for. 

The local elected precinct delegates need to “pitch” their reason they desire to represent the county. 

The sitting precinct delegates under responsibility to their precincts need to be allowed to question the candidates on any host of issues in order to decipher their values. 

The Candidates need to be voted for from the floor individually. (yes this could be time consuming) 

This is the process for a representative delegation on individual merit. Not the guage of party loyalty, dedicated service, or by time invested in the party. Those traits are left to the ceremonial nonsense of club membership. The County and State Conventions are to be about the people instilling their views, their ideals, their will upon the political policy vehicle. 

The process is correct if understood and implemented properly and fairly.


Don't give up. 

 We need the new delegation to communicate and ask themselves what they represent and what their duty is. 

I know the party mantra is that we are all on the same team and we would all vote to promote the same goal. But you would be naive to think there are not many facets of Republicanism, Conservatism, Constitutionalism, Libertarianism, and don't forget the 800lb gorilla inside the GOP big tent...Progressivism.

Yes there are facets of the republican party that promote greater governmental involvement into your daily lives. Their are facets of the republican party that want to eliminate social issues from discussion. Their are facets of the republican party that come dangerously close to holding the values of the very opposition they villify. 

Do your own research but the delegate system  is the best we have to direct values from the people UP to the leadership level. 

What we witnessed Thursday is the process preferred by those that advocate a top down process.  
An Oligarchy comes to mind, and it should be rejected time and again since we know that article 4. section 4 GUARANTEES us a Republican form of government. 

Don't give up!  Let's learn, let's discuss, let's debate, but never let us become so apathetic that we would be dictated to by any government or centralized power.

We are free and sovereign persons with free will and individual minds.
Let's use them leading into the next convention.  

Please watch the video below that explains the original intent on what a precinct delegate was and still is today.  I've attached a couple others I find very relevant to the ideological battle waging inside the Michigan State republican party.

May we continue to be free,
 And may God continue to bless this Nation according to his will. 

Please view the videos below for your consideration:

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